Powerful Visual Goal Management

Designed by Olympic Athletes,
Used by People, Teams and
Organizations Worldwide

Note that Goalscape is optimized for larger screens (Desktop and Tablet).

Visualize Clearly

Define, align and communicate goals and projects, from tasks to big picture strategy. Maximize motivation, engagement and collaboration.

Prioritize Efficiently

Goalscape’s unique circular format reminds us that resources are limited, especially time. So you can make smart trade-offs based on your priorities.

Manage Effectively

Add all required information: action plans, people, tags and files. Stay agile by quickly adapting your goal structure as the world changes around you.

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Goalscape to reach their goals.

Big Picture Goal Overview

Goals, Priorities and Progress status in one Powerful Map.

Your goals, your priorities, your achievements.

The Goals

The Goals

Goalscape uses a simple radial map to define, track and achieve goals.

Goalscape works the way the mind works.



The relative importance of each goals is represented by its size.

Making one goal bigger makes its neighbors smaller!



Progress is represented by shading, filling in towards the central goal.

Opportunities are visible at a glance. 



A super easy to use Gantt Chart makes planning a breeze.

Timebox what you do and highlight dependencies.

Key Benefits

6 WAYS to Upgrade your Professional Life and Business with Goalscape

And so much more...

Manage all the information in one place

Add Goal Background details

Insert Notes and Attachments in any format; set Timescales, assign Responsibility and add contextual Tags to your goals.

Apply color-coding for a quick visual way to associate goals in different areas.

Focus on what matters most

Filter Goals, Create Action Lists, Share Goals with others

To achieve your long term goals you always need to know what to do right now.

Goalscape supports this essential Focus: use Now and Next tags, then filter your goals by Date, Progress, Responsibility and Tag – and generate Goal Lists.

When working in teams, share goalscapes to ensure goal alignment and collaborate with purpose.

Communicate with Purpose

Goal Focused Communication with less Context Switching

In Goalscape you can comment on a goal and decide which of your collaborators is to receive an email notification about it.

And you do not have to decide on a subject for the email: the goal name IS the subject! And good subject lines help to avoid costly context switching.

The Goalscape Story

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“I created Goalscape to help me achieve peak performance as an Olympic sailor. I wanted a simple, clear, holistic overview of all my Goals, Priorities, and Progress. Goalscape was the solution.”

Marcus Baur / Goalscape CEO

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