Introducing Goalscape 3.0: Next Generation Visual Goal Management

We are delighted to announce that the Goalscape Web Application (version 3.0) is ready!

Check out this video for a quick preview:

The Goalscape web app opens with a ‘My First Goalscape’ project: this is to allow you to try it without any risk of damaging your current live projects. So just dive in and have a play – it’s more fun than ever.

You will love the new Notes field: you can now embed videos and images and insert tables – and when you paste text, it will maintain its formatting (including links). 

Please note that this new release supports all the major functionality of the existing Online app; though not every feature. You can see a list of Known Issues for Goalscape 3.0 here.

The next features to be implemented before the public release are:

  • Context menu options to add, cut, copy and paste goals.
  • Goal Comments and e-mail notifications
  • List View of goals highlighted via the Focus panel

We will also offer the option to migrate existing projects from the current Goalscape version before Goalscape 3.0 goes live.

We’d love to hear your feedback, so please let us know what you think by emailing; you can also check out the public posts on the Goalscape Forum and add your comments to an existing thread or post your own. We will also be running a poll to let you have a say on which features you want us to add next.

Picture of Richard Parslow

Richard Parslow

Richard is a World Champion sailor and coach, business consultant and test demon. His goal is to take the customer’s perspective, accurately identify their needs and provide fast, clear answers.

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