Richard Parslow

Best Practice Guide

We’ve made a video Best Practice Guide to help you make the most of Goalscape for truly agile productivity

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Marcus Baur

Love + Work – A Paradigm Shift in Goal Setting

For the past 12 months, I have been asking myself – and others around me – why some people (like Olympic athletes) are highly engaged in what they do every day without decent pay, while others hate their jobs despite their often sizeable paychecks. I found some interesting answers to this question in Marcus Buckinghams’ new book Love + Work’.

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Marcus Baur

Why FAST Goal Setting with Goalscape Beats SMART Goals

Business leaders recognize that motivation is key to success, yet most organizations are terrible at it! Globally, almost 90% of working people are not fully motivated, operating far below the motivation level of Olympic athletes – or even kids at play!

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Yes we can... if we prioritize and focus on most important goals!
Marcus Baur

Yes we can… if we Prioritize and Focus on Important Goals!

What Laura Vanderkam has to offer in her talk is as profound as it is simple. She sees the lack of time most of us so painfully experience not as a byproduct of a hectic modern lifestyle or growing demands in the workplace, but instead, as rooted in a lack of willpower to set priorities and make tough decisions.

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Marcus Baur

What Tomasz Tunguz Learned From Complete Burnout At Work

Tomas Tunguz, a former Google Employee on how to avoid burnout. His message is simple:
You can not have it all. You need to prioritize and ask yourself: “Which are the most important things I need to do well”.  So don’t set too many goals – set the right goals.

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Getting Things Done – Goal Management with or without Dates
Marcus Baur

Getting Things Done – Goal Management with or without Dates

A common life goal for many of us is how can we get everything done while at the same time enjoying some freedom and sanity. Yet we still want some structure and a way to prioritise our actions, with a clear image of the big picture. Because that makes you feel even better and gives you some control. For me, Goalscape makes this easy.

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High Performance Strategy Definition for Teams and Coaches
Marcus Baur

Mastering High Performance Strategy with Goalscape

OK Goalsetters, here is my follow-up post outlining a simple process for defining a high level strategy plan for achieving your goals, using Goalscape to display the goal structure, priorities and progress. The above example is from top level sport: the principles though apply to any ambitious undertaking.

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Competitive Sports: Gold Medal Goal Setting with Goalscape
Marcus Baur

Competitive Sports: Gold Medal Goal Setting with Goalscape

Information overload is a big problem in competitive sports. Goalscape is my visual index to knowledge, data, history and essential performance related ingredients. As an Olympic athlete; I gravitate toward a clean visual structure. It is my primary learning style for understanding, remembering and communicating complex information. 

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