Getting Things Done – Goal Management with or without Dates

I am happy to tell you that we have added a very useful core function to Goalscape: the ability to generate a filtered list of your goals sorted by start or due dates. So this feels like a good time to explain how I have been using Goalscape very effectively for many years – rarely defining dates…

A common life goal for many of us is how can we get everything done while at the same time enjoying some freedom and sanity. We cannot predict how we will feel on any day in the future. And we cannot control all the factors that may affect what we can do. In other words we always have lots of stuff to do, but the resources we need are not always available or time itself seems to speed up or slow down, or we simply choose to work on different things at different times just because it feels right. Yet we still want some structure and a way to prioritise our actions, with a clear image of the big picture. Because that makes you feel even better and gives you some control. For me, Goalscape makes this easy.

Personally I find Goalscape to be invaluable for:

A. High level strategic thinking (such as my life goals).

B. Visually structured knowledge bases.

C. Complex work projects with small teams of proactive, busy people.

There are two self-organising activities where I do not use Goalscape:  1. For rigidly timed daily appointments and events, I find an online calendar is best. 2. For little miscellaneous notes, I write notes. Both are so simple – and easily transferred between desktop and mobile. For everything else I use Goalscape.

The trick to getting things done with Goalscape is defining tags and/or persons responsible for goals. In my personal goalscape, I have two primary tags: Now and Next. To see what’s on my plate now, I can click on the button on the left edge then open a filtered view of my “Now” goals. To see what’s coming up next, I view my “Next” goals. I often move goals between my Now and Next lists. I also define and map tags for locations or people that I sometimes visit or contact. I can popup a list of of these goals and copy it to my clipboard if I need it.  When on the go, using the Goalscape mobile app I will filter by tag for location or person to increase the efficiency of my travel and communication time. It’s great to feel organised and efficient while also feeling free and flexible.

So that’s it: Getting things done, without dates.  Instead, I use tags, filtering, list view and the mobile app. Of course sometimes we want to see dates in goal lists: Goalscape will soon give us that option, and we will make it very simple and continually improve function.

Picture of Marcus Baur

Marcus Baur

Marcus is the inventor of the Goalscape concept. After graduating in Architecture he sailed professionally, winning multiple international championships and becoming a double Olympian.

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