Use Goalscape Comments for Goal-Focused Communication

Goalscape has always provided clarity on your goals. Now it can also be the basis for Goal-Focused Communication – and it could revolutionize your working world!

We face a daily whirlwind of information today: too many channels and too many distractions. So we are always switching contexts: before we can finish anything, something else demands our attention. This drastically reduces productivity, causes stress, and damages working relationships.

To avoid this mess, Goalscape provides the facility to Comment on any goal, with the option to send email notifications to others working on that goal. So messages, questions and discussions are tightly focused: they have to be about that goal. And notifications only go to those directly involved: nobody else gets a ‘ping’.

Goal Comments cut through the noise: when you’re working on a goal you’ll get all the important updates and participate, without being bothered by any background buzz.

So Goalscape not only makes your goals clearer, it also makes communicating about them cleaner – helping you to foster joyful productivity and regain peace of mind.

There are hotkeys: mouseover any major function and the hotkey will appear in a tooltip.

For a quick explainer about the new features, just click the video above. Or for an in-depth analysis, read our whitepaper Goal Focused Communication with Goalscape.

If you have any questions just click Support at the top of the page then Start a discussion, email, or just use Chat in the Goalscape Web App.

We very much welcome your comments and thoughts and we always respond fast!

Picture of Richard Parslow

Richard Parslow

Richard is a World Champion sailor and coach, business consultant and test demon. His goal is to take the customer’s perspective, accurately identify their needs and provide fast, clear answers.

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