Patent Approved for Goalscape Goal Map Format and Software

We are delighted to announce that on July 14, 2015 we received formal approval of our application for a patent on the Goalscape goal map format and software, under Patent No. US 9,082,316 B2.

Without going too deeply into the technical definitions, this patent acknowledges Goalscape Software GmbH’s ownership of the multi-level pie chart to display the subgoals required to achieve a goal, with the size of each subgoal slice representing its relative importance and shading representing progress; together with a method, a system and a computer program to develop a strategy and manage resources. And of course Goalscape can be used to represent any information structure in a strict hierarchy!

This has been a long process: we filed the original application nearly 8 years ago and we are very grateful for the excellent recent input from our New York patent attorney Bill Botjer in bringing this to a successful conclusion.

While this represents a significant legal protection, the real acknowledgement of the value of Goalscape is in the fact that we just passed another milestone: 15,000 Goalscape users, with sales still accelerating. This means that our unique format and the functionality in the Goalscape software are spreading rapidly among individuals and organizations all over the world.

Thanks to all at Goalscape Software GmbH – and to all our customers!

Picture of Marcus Baur

Marcus Baur

Marcus is the inventor of the Goalscape concept. After graduating in Architecture he sailed professionally, winning multiple international championships and becoming a double Olympian.

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