Smart goal tracking: Color your Goals!

We recently delivered our most requested feature: full color fill. We love it – and from the feedback we have received, so do you.

Goalscape has always been unbeatable for showing a meaningful image of complex challenges. Now you can bring your projects to life by color coding your goals with 7 carefully chosen shades.

We made a short video (below) on how to use this great new feature. If you want to try it straight away, you can find the new option in Settings (click the ‘cog’ button at top right of the Goalscape screen).

Exciting times for Goalscape

2016 was a great year for us. Our head of development and world class sailing coach Emmett Lazich won his third Olympic Medal. Congratulations to him and his team – and to all the other Goalscapers who won medals at the Rio Olympics! Emmett shares some of his secrets about using Goalscape to win here.

The new Goalscape Free account has been a great success, making project sharing even easier and allowing people to use Goalscape for free (with up to 30 goals).

More and more leaders in major corporations are recognising the power of Goalscape’s simplicity and clarity to share and achieve their goals. In the last few months we partnered with many major corporations and delivered new Goalscape Enterprise implementations for Volkswagen, TOTAL and the German TV Channel RTL II, as well as renewing all our existing contracts.

Thank you to all who share our vision of unleashing the power of visual goal setting.

Top tips and video tutorials

In the next few weeks we will be updating all our tutorial videos and we will be sending you more tips on how to make the most of Goalscape in 2017. As a starter, check out Emmett’s latest article Easy, Memorable Presentations the Goalscape Way.

Let us know what you think

We always listen to you, so if you have any questions or suggestions please post them on our forum.

Enjoy your colorful journey in 2017!

Picture of Richard Parslow

Richard Parslow

Richard is a World Champion sailor and coach, business consultant and test demon. His goal is to take the customer’s perspective, accurately identify their needs and provide fast, clear answers.

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