Marcus Baur

Goalscape Integrated into Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is the most widely used team collaboration platform in the world. Goalscape is now fully integrated into Teams. You can find the Goalscape Teams App in the Microsoft Teams Appstore, or add a tab in any Teams Channel top open a specific Goalscape project.

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Marcus Baur

Why FAST Goal Setting with Goalscape Beats SMART Goals

Business leaders recognize that motivation is key to success, yet most organizations are terrible at it! Globally, almost 90% of working people are not fully motivated, operating far below the motivation level of Olympic athletes – or even kids at play!

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High Performance Strategy Definition for Teams and Coaches
Marcus Baur

Mastering High Performance Strategy with Goalscape

OK Goalsetters, here is my follow-up post outlining a simple process for defining a high level strategy plan for achieving your goals, using Goalscape to display the goal structure, priorities and progress. The above example is from top level sport: the principles though apply to any ambitious undertaking.

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